Saturday, December 10, 2011

Schools out

Had our last exhibition of the year last week, lots and lots of hard, frustrating work, lots of tears and a few tantrums.

My only advice to anyone considering a group showing of art is to show up right at the end when everyone else has finished all the actual work, grab a glass of bubbly, laugh with the punters; and enjoy it.

So thats it then, no more art school for me. One week back at work and I'm already missing it =(
Oh well...

Not sure what happens from here on. I'm told a degree comes my way at some point, and until then I'll just keep on keeping on with what I do best.

Which, of course, is over to you for validation =)

Oh yeah, and I sold this;

"Black over under Black" 2011
Mixed media on board

Ps; The second paragraph isn't what I actually consider the right approach, but often feel like doing.
